Strategic Re-alignment and Positioning

Implementing quickly and effectively

Change just keeps getting faster. Companies therefore have to check and adjust the strategic alignment of their organization more and more often. The objective is to increase efficiency and effectiveness and be perceived differently on the market. Typical indications of the need to adjust include:

  • Falling sales and disappearing profits
  • Visible weakening of the company's competitive position
  • Increasing workloads – "firefighting mode"
  • Increasing customer requirements/falling customer satisfaction

IGI helps companies to estimate the level of their need to adjust, develop a suitable project design, and perform the re-alignment. With the IGI-Matrix® or IGI-Labor® methods, we can achieve an effective implementation in just 4 to 8 months.

A typical re-alignment includes the adjustment of the following control levers of your company or division:

  • Self-conception and positioning
  • Strategy
  • Value proposition and product/service portfolio
  • Target markets
  • Processes, tools
  • Organization and structures




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